It’s my birthday today, my mother called me beautiful, but I still haven’t received a single birthday wish.
2 mins read

It’s my birthday today, my mother called me beautiful, but I still haven’t received a single birthday wish.

Jun was a puppy with fur as soft as clouds and eyes that sparkled like morning dew. His mother, a wise old dog, often told him how beautiful he was, her voice a warm, comforting melody. It made Jun’s tail wag with such enthusiasm that it seemed it might fly off.

Today was Jun’s birthday, a fact he knew because his tummy felt fluttery and excited. He expected a day filled with belly rubs, playful chases, and perhaps a special bone. But as the day wore on, a strange sadness crept into his heart.

No one had wished him happy birthday. Not his mother, not the other dogs in the yard, and certainly not the humans who occasionally visited. He was used to praise for his beauty, but today, he longed for something different – a simple “happy birthday.”

He wandered around the yard, his tail drooping like a wet leaf. He looked at his reflection in a puddle, trying to find something wrong with himself. But his reflection only showed a puppy with big, hopeful eyes.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows, Jun curled up at his mother’s feet. She licked his ears gently, her way of showing love. But even her affection couldn’t chase away the sadness.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a familiar voice. “Jun, my boy,” his mother said, her voice filled with a tenderness that always calmed him. She looked at him with a knowing gaze. “Being beautiful is wonderful, but remember, the best gift is the love you share.”

Jun tilted his head, trying to understand. His mother nuzzled him gently. “You bring joy to everyone around you. That’s the greatest gift of all.”

A warm feeling spread through Jun’s body. Maybe birthdays weren’t about wishes and presents after all. Maybe they were about feeling loved and appreciated. And he was definitely loved and appreciated. With a renewed sense of purpose, Jun jumped up and began to play. After all, even without birthday wishes, he had the greatest gift of all – his mother’s love.

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