It’s a disappointing birthday since no one has sent me a birthday wish yet.
2 mins read

It’s a disappointing birthday since no one has sent me a birthday wish yet.

Mill was a small with a heart as big as the world. Today was his birthday, a day he’d been looking forward to for weeks. He’d dreamed of a special treat, a belly rub, and maybe even a new toy. But as the day drew to a close, a strange emptiness crept into his heart.

No one seemed to remember. His human family went about their usual routine, oblivious to the special occasion. There were no balloons, no party hats, and certainly no presents. The usual morning routine continued without a hitch: breakfast, a walk, and playtime. But there were no extra pats, no sing-songy “Happy birthdays” that usually accompanied his special day.

Mill was confused. He tried to remind them with excited barks and playful jumps, but the humans seemed oblivious. They smiled and ruffled his fur, but there was no spark of celebration in their eyes.

As the day wore on, Mill’s heart sank. He retreated to his favorite spot by the window, his tail drooping. He watched the world go by, feeling a pang of loneliness. He was surrounded by love, but today, it felt distant, like a warm sun hidden behind clouds.

He tried to distract himself with his favorite chew toy, but even that brought no joy. He missed the usual excitement, the feeling of being special. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows in the living room, Mill curled up in his bed, his heart heavy.

He was still loved, he knew that. But today, on his special day, he felt like a forgotten puppy. A small tear rolled down his cheek. He was a puppy, and puppies weren’t supposed to feel sad. But as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t shake the feeling of disappointment. Maybe tomorrow would be better. Maybe tomorrow, they would remember.

Mill closed his eyes, hoping for a birthday miracle. A miracle that would fill his heart with joy and make him feel truly special.

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